vermillion horizon

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Fire-king craze

Recently many of my friends in Japan have been asking me about Fire-king glassware. Random, huh? That's what I thought at first, anyway. But over the past few months, more people have starting asking me what I know about Fire-king and what I think about it - why the interest?

I can honestly say I don't know very much about Fire-king. I think it was popular here in the United States during the Depression because it was a less expensive alternative to the fine china preferred during more properous times. However, I don't see Fire-king dishes around too much these days - other than a few original pieces in my grandmother's house.

Overall, Fire-king is a bit obscure - and so I wonder how in the world it became such a collectors craze all the way over in Japan. Can anyone explain?

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  • Hi horizon,

    I didn't know anything about Fire-king glassware until I've read this. So I wonder if I have the qualifications for writing this comment, but after I checked out some sites or blogs in Japan, I found from where the interest came. It's Martha Stewart. Her hand may be in the craze.

    They're now broadcasting her "Martha Stewart liging" or "MARTHA" on one of the Japanese satellite channels, "LaLa TV", a good source of information for Japanese ladies. And there Martha recently showed the viewers her Fire-king collection and made especially Japanese viewers all green -or milky green like the glassware- with envy.

    Detailed information can be found here;

    By Blogger bun, at 2:45 AM  

  • Hi bun-san,
    Thank you! I think you must be right. I didn't realize Martha Stewart was broadcasting in Japan. But it makes sense now that she helped to start this craze. Fire-king glassware looks like it would fit her taste exactly!

    Thanks again!

    By Blogger v_horizon, at 7:51 AM  

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